Members at a Glance
Archie’s Surf Shop
Ashwood Inn
Avalon Boutique
Bayfield Boutique B&B & Weddings
Bayfield Brewing
Bayfield Centre for the Arts
Bayfield Chiropractic Centre
Bayfield Garage
Bayfield Maple
Bayfield Marine Store
Bayfield Outfitters
Bayfield Recreational Sales
Bluewater Property Management
Calm in Bayfield
Captain Harry’s Bar & Grill
Copenhagens Ice Cream & Take-out
Cottage Rentals in Bayfield
Cowbell Brewing
Crichet Handmade Designs
Deer Park Lodge, Cottage Resort
Deja Vu
Dublin Mercantile
Dynassstyle Boutique
Edin Boutique
Edward Jones, Gurpreet Mann
Elaine Coombs ReMax Reliable
Gerard Buckley, Mortgage Wellness
Goldcoast Landscaping/Garden Centre
Hessenland/Schatz Winery
Ian Matthew, Chartered Accountant
Leslie’s of Bayfield
#Live Shop Die
Locals Pizza
Love Elemental
Main Street Gallery
Marten Arts Gallery
Maverick Container Concepts
Metamorphic Rock Shoppe
Metanoia Boutique
Olio Restuarant
Paul Bunyan Resort
Renegades Restaurant
Rosie’s Ice Cream
Royal LePage - Diane Snell
Shopbike Coffee Roasters
Stonehouse Brewery
The Black Dog Pub & Bistro
The Hive
The Little Inn
The Old Homestead
The Pink Flamingo Bakery & Boutique
The Purple Peony
The Wardrobe Bizaar
The Wharf Coffee Co.
The White Squirrel
Tous Jours
Tuckersmith Communications
Village Bookshop
Woodland Drive-in
Xclusive Elements