Why Shop Local?

With the rise of online shopping and the trend of large corporations growing to encompass more and more of the market, here are three reasons why shopping local is more important than ever.


Supporting the local community

Supporting the community is not just an empty platitude. Most local businesses work together and rely on each other’’s services for day to day operation. The local restaurants, for example, purchase produce from the local farms, and the local shops on main street offer wares from local makers. This means that the money you spend locally is a lot more likely to stay in the community than money spent in large box stores, franchises and online mega-corporations. Keeping this money in the community, means more resources for local business to grow, in turn, creating more opportunity for work and jobs in the area. Local businesses are also more likely to support local charities which uplifts the whole community and makes it stronger.

Keeping a Cleaner, Healthier Bayfield

Most local businesses open up in the heart of the village, on Main Street or close by, which reduces the need for cars in the square and promotes walking, bike riding and healthier methods of travel. Running into town to pick up a couple of last-minute supplies is a lot less of a hassle than getting in the car and driving out to the department store. Local shops tend to create less pollution and put less of a strain on local resources than larger corporations. It is also in the best interest of the shops to keep the streets, parks and storefronts clean and appealing to customers and tourists, all helping to beautify the town you like to call home. Less pollution, congestion and sprawl keeps the local green spaces and wildlife healthy.

Better and Friendlier Service

Local shops and businesses offer much better customer service, in part because owners tend to work their own storefronts, or hire locals, but also because they are more familiar with the goods and services they are providing. The local shops and restaurants see the same faces day after day and become familiar with the local customers, creating friendly environments and a more tailored and intimate customer experience. The whole town becomes brighter, warmer and more inviting as a result.

In Closing,

Though it may be easy these days to succumb to laziness and shop online or at a large one-stop department store, the benefits of keeping it local are many. Support the local community, help to keep Bayfield clean and beautiful, and take advantage of a personalized experience and friendly service.

Interested in supporting one of our local Bayfield businesses? Check out our shop directory here!


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